Just what is the spiritual and what does it have to do with theology?

On my original home page there was an image I took in the 1980's of the Berlin Cathedral reflected in a Communist era building built across the street from it, blocking it in an effort perhaps to diminish its beauty. Ironically, not only did the glass produce this stunning image, that building is now gone but the Cathedral remains.
Often the world can attempt to block out our prayer, hinder our spirit; but if we look, God is everywhere and is reflected in the everyday, even what we may consider evil. God is bigger than any evil and created all things good, no matter how we may try to twist them. Any attempt to stymie God's presence or power is therefore thwarted and it is only our lack of desire which allows the world to overcome us.
We must seek Him with our whole being and search where He may be found...which is fortunately everywhere.
There are not "thin spots" where Heaven and Earth meet scattered about. There is no need to run to the ends of the Earth to seek God because, as the Psalmist says, where ever I go, You are there. (cf. Psalm 139:7-10)
Often the world can attempt to block out our prayer, hinder our spirit; but if we look, God is everywhere and is reflected in the everyday, even what we may consider evil. God is bigger than any evil and created all things good, no matter how we may try to twist them. Any attempt to stymie God's presence or power is therefore thwarted and it is only our lack of desire which allows the world to overcome us.
We must seek Him with our whole being and search where He may be found...which is fortunately everywhere.
There are not "thin spots" where Heaven and Earth meet scattered about. There is no need to run to the ends of the Earth to seek God because, as the Psalmist says, where ever I go, You are there. (cf. Psalm 139:7-10)
Where Does The Spirit Go?A spiritual journal reflection work in progress of the place of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
TG BLOG @ WordPress.com
The theologyguy Blog. My random theological ruminations.
Daily Reflections
Looking at the Sanctoral calendar. Just a random thought for the day.
Spirituality depends upon living in the Spirit.
Sometimes we need words: |